
Crowdfarming - or how to become a 21st century farmer -Crowdfarming - or how to become a 21st century farmer -

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What is behind the adoption of an ecological and regenerative orange tree? You adopt an orange tree in our orchard in Valencia. You will be able to watch it grow through photos in your user area and receive your orange harvest at home. Have you decided already? Click here to start the adoption of your orange tree.

Thanks to the adoptions we can finance the regenerative practices that we are introducing to preserve the natural ecosystems.
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How does it work?How does it work?

Thanks to the adoptions, we can grow oranges organically on demand and send them straight from the tree to your home without post-harvest treatment and without going through cooling chambers. How do you become an orange tree owner?

1. Decide how many oranges you want to reserve for the first season.

2. Give your tree a name

3. When you confirm the adoption of your orange tree we will give you access to an orchard in your user account.

Click on the drawings of the trees to see the details of each option.
Orange Tree<br>(entire harvest)separador
Orange Tree
(entire harvest)
Orange Tree<br>(half of the harvest)separador
Orange Tree
(half of the harvest)
80 kg. per year...
This is the amount of oranges that we will send to you at the frequencies and quantities you prefer. If the entire harvest is too much for you, have a look at the possibility to receive only half of it.
The first year...
We'll assign you an orange tree, water it, and take care of it. We will hang a sign engraved with the name you have chosen and we will take a picture of it. You can order your harvest to be sent to you during the entire season (from November to April).

Price of the tree: 80 €
From the second year onwards...
If you enjoy the experience, you can renew the adoption of your tree each season and change the quantity of the harvest you want to receive for next season. You do, however, not enter into any long-term commitment. If you don’t wish to renew, we will continue caring for the tree.

Maintenance price: 60€/year
Maintenance will be fixed for the life of your tree as long as our production costs remain constant.
This is the amount of oranges that we will send to you at the frequencies and quantities you prefer. Each new season you can decide whether you want to change the reserved harvest amount.
The first year...
We'll assign you an orange tree, water it, and take care of it. We will hang a sign engraved with the name you have chosen and we will take a picture of it. You can order your harvest to be sent to you during the entire season (from November to April).

Price of the tree: 40 €
From the second year onwards...
If you enjoy the experience, you can renew the adoption of your tree each season and change the quantity of the harvest you want to receive for next season. You do, however, not enter into any long-term commitment. If you don’t wish to renew, we will continue caring for the tree.

Maintenance price: 35€/year
Maintenance will be fixed for the life of your tree as long as our production costs remain constant.
Logistic costs
Shipping country
Logistic costs
You can order your harvest in as many deliveries as you wish. You can decide how many kilos you want to receive with each shipment. These costs refer to the picking, packing and shipping of your fruits to an address of your choice during the harvest season 2023-2024.
12 €
16.5 €
21 €
Logistic costs
You can come and collect your fruits directly at our finca in Valencia from Monday to Friday. In this case, you only need to pay a small amount for the organization and harvest of your oranges. To do so, please make an appointment via our website so we can pick your oranges on the same day you'll come by.

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How long does my orange tree live?

An orange tree has an average life expectancy of around 25 years. If, for some reason, your tree becomes sick or dies before the 25 years are over, we will replace it by one of our own trees, having the same age and orange variety.

Can I also order clementines from the harvest I reserved on my orange tree?

Yes, as long as we harvest enough fruits. The clementine season (variety: clemenules) begins in middle of November and usually lasts until the end of December.

When can I order the harvest?

From November to April you'll be able to receive the amount of fruit you want to reserve from your adoption. You can have all the boxes sent to the same address or to different addresses including (optionally) a gift message.

We have three box sizes: 5 kg, 10 kg and 15 kg. All packaging material is recycled and we don't use plastics for shipping.

Will I receive the oranges from my own tree?

Our fields are not a screw factory, the trees do not all produce the same amount. Following an agricultural logic, it wouldn’t make much sense to only harvest the fruit from your tree. If your tree produces few fruits in one year, you will receive the fruit from other trees as well. We can mitigate the risks of a small harvest by sharing the fruit from all of the planted trees.

When you come to visit your tree, you can pick the oranges from your tree and enjoy them directly.

Can I visit my tree?

Yes of course! We will be happy to show you around our farm and show you your tree. In order to visit your tree, we kindly ask you to make an appointment with us one week before using this contact form.

How many oranges does an orange tree produce?

Our orange trees produce around 80kg per season. Although we could harvest even more, quality comes always first at Naranjas del Carmen.

Can I give a tree as a gift?

Yes, of course! A tree is a very special and healthy gift, which lasts for 25 years. You need to complete the purchase with your account. Afterwards, as soon as the tree appears in your garden, you can indicate the e-mail address of the person who is supposed to receive the gift, a personal message and the date when he or she should be informed by us.

What happens if I will not consume all of my harvest during one season?

You will not lose the kilos you do not consume. They will automatically be added to your kilos of the next season. However, every season we can guarantee only 80kg per tree. In case you have more kilos of the previous seasons left, we cannot assure that you will be able to consume all of them throughout the ongoing harvest period. We depend on the amount of oranges hanging on our trees.

When will the name plaque be attached?

From the moment you decide to adopt a tree, we will give you access to your orchard from where you will be able to order oranges during the season. The process of producing the plaque, hanging it on your tree, and taking the photo is very manual; we can take up to 8 months to do all this process although we are trying to streamline the process to take less time.

When will the maintenance costs for the next season be deducted?

The maintenance cost of your tree will be debited automatically before the new season begins (in September or October).

Please bear in mind that you have the possibility to stop the maintenance of your tree before each season, there is no obligation to commit to the adoption long-term.

Can I pause the maintenance payment?

Yes, you can pause the maintenance of your tree for one season through your private area and consume the kilos that you have left from previous harvests, paying only the logistics costs. If you don't start again in the following season, you can still order your remaining harvest, but you'll lose the tree and won't be able to get it back.
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Regenerative Manifesto

Image about Regenerative Agriculture
As farmers, it is of vital importance we become aware that our farming practices have direct consequences on the health of the people we feed and on the fertility of our soils.

Consequently, our great challenge as farmers is to produce organic food for a growing population while ensuring that we are regenerating the natural resources we use during cultivation.

We will integrate agricultural, livestock and forestry techniques, being aware that the regulation of regenerative practices is yet to be defined and that the effectiveness of some methods is yet to be demonstrated. We will have to make up for their absence with experience, common sense and discussions with other pioneer farmers in regenerative agriculture.

The 10 principles by which we abide, considering the diversity of our farms in terms of crops, environment and climatology are:

1. Soil is a living and symbiotic ecosystem and it is fundamental for the success of our crops. We focus on establishing rhizospheres (the soils closest part to the tree roots) that promotes soil formation and increases its content of organic material, minerals and microbiology. This last one is essential to catalyze soil formation and nourish our crops.

2. If possible, we always avoid tilling the soil and we keep vegetation covers to preserve the microbiological biodiversity, flora and fauna of the soil. Only in exceptional situations, as when the soil is compacted or unstructured, we till the land.

3. We minimize the use of heavy machinery to avoid soil compaction and maintain soil integrity.

4. We integrate livestock on our farms as a tool to revitalize the soil and the environment. The presence of livestock allows us to recover native microbiology, increase biodiversity and allows us to obtain essential organic fertilizers. In addition, our cattle are grazing in the surrounding natural parks, which helps to prevent the proliferation of fires in our Mediterranean forests.The main fertilizer we use is compost made from the manure of the cattle that graze on our farms (it is also the only fertilizer we use on our almond and olive trees).

5. We use compost made from the manure of the livestock grazing on our farms as the main fertiliser (the only fertiliser in the case of our almond and olive trees).

6. We use water harvesting techniques to combat drought, prevent erosion and increase the pollinator population. In our area it is very common to have torrential rains that release large amounts of water in a short period of time. By excavating in the areas where water currents are naturally created, we are able to slow down their speed and introduce them into the soil.

7. We repair stone banks, irrigation ditches and other historic structures to keep them in good condition and restore their utility.

8. We obtain energy from solar panels and windmills installed on our land.

9. We share data and results from the experiences with the scientific community and support students in their dissertation work in order to measure the effectiveness of regenerative practices.

10. We train our field teams so that they can understand the reasons behind their actions and become involved in the regenerative philosophy of our company.

By remaining loyal to these principles, we want to improve the natural environment and combat climate change, while obtaining ecological and regenerative food.
Thank you for wanting to plant a tree with us. Write uns an e-mail to friends@naranjasdelcarmen.com including the following information:

+ Name and surname of the buyer
+ How many trees do you want to buy?
+ How you want your tree(s) to be called?
+ If it is a present: Name and e-mail of the presentee

We will contact you soon to give you further information on how to pay for your tree as well as your log-in details for your virtual garden where you will be able to order your oranges.

Crowdfarming® will start in a few days. Leave us your email so that we can make contact once is ready so that you can reserve one before we run out of oranges trees!
(*I have reed and accept the Privacy policy.)
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See more...
Our oranges are now enjoying their well deserved summer hibernation, so unfortunately we can't offer you any oranges...

But don't worry, because right now, for the first time ever, we are offering delicious pumpkins from our summer garden!

We return to citrus fruits with the mandarins in November. If you'd like to stay informed about their progress, leave us your email so we can make contact once they are ready!
(*I have reed and accept the Privacy policy.)
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Our harvest is limited. Please leave us your contact details if you would like to be informed about the harvest periods of our orchard:
You can adopt an olive tree or adopt an orange tree throughout the whole year.